The National Human Rights Institute (INDH) is an autonomous public law corporation created by Law No. 20,405 aimed at promoting and protecting the human rights of all people living in Chile. Established in constitutional and legal norms, in the international treaties signed and ratified by Chile and that are in force and those emanating from the general principles of law, recognized by the international community.
Unlike other public institutions, the INDH is not under the authority of the Executive (President of the Republic), Legislative (National Congress), or Judicial (Courts of Justice). Although it is financed with public funds, it is autonomous and independent.
Superior Directorate of the Institute
The Institute is directed by a Council that is in charge of making the most relevant institutional decisions. This Council is made up of 11 people with recognized experience in human rights who are appointed for a period of six years. The members of the Council elect a director from among themselves and by an absolute majority, who has an exclusive dedication and is in charge of the executive direction, management, administration, and legal representation of the institution.
To guarantee pluralism and diversity in the composition of the Council, its members are elected as follows:
- Two councilors appointed by the President of the Republic, who must be from different regions of the country.
- Two councilors appointed by the Senate.
- Two councilors appointed by the Chamber of Deputies.
- A councilor appointed by the deans of the Faculties of Law of the universities that are members of the Council of Rectors and of autonomous universities.
- Four councilors appointed in the manner established by the statutes, by the institutions linked to the defense and promotion of human rights that have current legal personality, registered in the respective registry that the Institute will keep.
National Advisory Council
The National Advisory Council is an agency that provides advice to the INDH Council on all matters within its competence that require, for their proper resolution, the pronouncement of civil society. Social and academic organizations dedicated to promoting and defending human rights and fundamental freedoms are represented in it.
An internal regulation, approved by two-thirds of the Council, establishes its integration and determines the cases and how said advice is provided.
- Consuelo Contreras Largo
- Juan Carlos Cayo Rivera, designado por el Presidente de la República Gabriel Boric
- Consuelo Contreras Largo, elegida por el Registro de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil del INDH
- Beatriz Corbo Atria, designada por el Senado de la República
- Ignacio Covarrubias Cuevas, designado por los decanos/as y directores/as de facultades de Derecho de las universidades del Consejo de Rectores y de universidades autónomas
- Sebastián Donoso Rodríguez, designado por el Presidente de la República Sebastián Piñera
- Haydee Oberreuter Umazabal, elegida por el Registro de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil del INDH
- Cristian Pertuzé Fariña, designado por la Cámara de Diputados
- Paula Salvo del Canto, designada por la Cámara de Diputados
- Alejandrina Tobar Vásquez, elegida por el Registro de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil del INDH.
- Constanza Valdés Contreras, elegida por el Registro de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil del INDH
- Lieta Vivaldi Macho, designada por el Senado de la República
Advisory Council
- Ricardo Brodsky Baudet
- Constanza del Río Moreno
- Pierina Ferretti Fernández
- Carlos Frontaura Rivera
- Cristián Galaz García
- Elizabeth Lira Kornfeld
- Ignacia Oyarzún Golzzio
- Patricia Pérez Goldberg
- Elizabeth Andrade Huaringa (Premio Nacional de Derechos Humanos 2022)
- María Soledad Cisternas (Premio Nacional de Derechos Humanos 2014)
- Viviana Díaz (Premio Nacional de Derechos Humanos 2013)
- Claudio González Urbina (Premio Nacional de Derechos Humanos 2024)