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Carlos Frontaura Rivera

Lawyer, graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, of whose Law School he has been academic secretary, vice dean, and dean. In 1997 he joined as Assistant Professor of Law History at the Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He has also taught Introduction to Human Rights, Law and Society, and Family and Society.

He has been a member of the “Appointed Commission to Review and Evaluate the Progress and Functioning of the New Criminal Procedure System” (2003) of the Ministry of Justice, and the “Forum of Local Justice” (2008-2010) also convened by said Ministry. He has also been a member of the Panel of Experts created by said Secretariat on the Civil Procedure Reform proposal for the proposal of “Alternative Systems for the Resolution of Conflicts” (2012).

He has also served as a researcher and legislative advisor for the Jaime Guzmán E Foundation.

Carlos Frontaura is a counselor of the National Institute of Human Rights from October 10, 2016, to October 11, 2022, appointed by the Senate of the Republic of Chile.