Cristián Pertuzé is a Commercial Engineer from the University of Valparaíso and has a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, with a mention in Political Institutions and Processes. He also has Diplomas in Senior Management at the Adolfo Ibáñez University School of Government and in Education for Democracy and Social Responsibility at the International Histadrut Institute in Israel.
He has an extensive academic career in public and private universities, highlighting the chairs given in political science and public administration areas, where he has integrated issues of promotion and defense of human, social, political, and economic rights.
In the professional field, he has mainly developed his work in government and private institutions. He was regional administrator of the Metropolitan Regional Government of Santiago, researcher of the General Secretariat Ministry of the Presidency, director of academic administration of the Ibero-American University, and director of the Institute of Studies and Public Management at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the Central University, among others. He has done various consultancies for both international and national organizations. He currently works at the Natural Resources Information Center (CIREN).
He is a counselor of the INDH appointed by the Chamber of Deputies for a period between July 2, 2019, and July 2, 2025.